O King of kings, O Lord of hosts, Whose throne is lifted high
Above the nations of the earth, the armies of the sky,
The spirits of perfected saints may give their nobler songs
And we, Thy children, worship Thee, to Whom all praise
Thy hand has hid within our fields treasures of
countless worth;
The light, the suns of other years, shine from the depths of
The very dust, inbreathed by Thee, the clods all cold and
Wake into beauty and to life, to give Thy children bread.
Thou Who hast sown the sky with stars, and set Thy thoughts
in gold,
Hast crowned our nation’s life, and ours, with blessings
Thy mercies have been numberless; Thy love, Thy grace, Thy
Were wider than our utmost need, and higher than our prayer.
O King of kings, O Lord of hosts, our fathers’ God and
Be with us in the future years; and if the tempest lowers,
Look through the cloud with light of love, and smile our tears
And lead us through the brightening years to Heaven’s eternal