The Newborn King who comes today
The newborn King Who comes today
Brings tidings of great joy,
Which sin can never take away,
Nor death nor hell destroy.
Rejoice, ye Gentile lands, rejoice,
And hail this glorious dawn,
For God comes down, frail man to crown:
The Lord of Life is born!
He comes not as a king of earth,
In pomp and pride to reign;
He seeks a poor and humble birth,
But free from sinful stain;
Rejoice, ye Gentile lands, rejoice,
Glad hymns of triumph sing:
The Wonderful, the Counsellor,
He comes, your God and King!
For us He leaves His Father’s throne,
His sapphire throne on high,
And comes to dwell on earth alone,
For fallen man to die.
Rejoice, ye Gentile lands, rejoice,
All hail Messiah’s dawn:
Our God comes down, earth’s joy and crown,
The King of Love is born!
Glad Gentiles in their eastern home
His radiant star behold;
To God, their King, they joy to bring
Sweet incense, myrrh, and gold.
Rejoice, ye Gentile lands, rejoice,
In heaven your praises sing:
Before Him fall, the Lord of all,
Your Maker and your King!
We join your song, celestial throng,
Whose anthems never cease;
We tune our lyres, with angels choirs,
To hail the Prince of Peace!
Rejoice, ye Gentile lands, rejoice
All hail Immanuel’s morn:
For God comes down, frail man to crown,
To us a Child is born.
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