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Creation Song

Verse 1 :
On the first day God made the light.
He called light "day", and dark-ness "night".
Se-cond day He sep-a-ra-ted wat-ers from on high.
The space be-tween He called the "sky".

Verse 2 :
He gath-ered wat-ers in one place.
Called them the "seas" and turned His face
Up-on soil re-main-ing where some-one could stand.
He called the ground He saw the "land".

Verse 3:
Still more to do on next day three.
God made the grass and flowers and trees.
Seed with-in the fruit would grow new plants just as they should .
God saw that ev-'ry-thing was good.

Verse 4
Fourth day He made two migh-ty lights.
Sun ruled the days and moon the nights.
Stars were twink-ling in the sky; a beau-ti-ful sight!
God's great cre-a-tion is just right.

Verse 5
All things were rea-dy for day five
God made birds fly in the blue sky.
Fish swam in the o-ceans just as they still do
Great fish and small ones were there too.

Verse 6
Day six was busy as could be
God made the an-i-mals and set them free
To roam up-on the earth and make more an-i-mals too.
God is so great! We know it's true.

Verse 7
Fi-nal cre-a-tion on sixth day .
A-dam in His im-age and then God did say,
"I will make a help-er so that he won't lone-ly be.
Took Ad-am's rib and then made Eve.

Verse 8
Hea-vens and earth in their ar-ray
Were all com-ple-ted in six days.
Sev-enth day He rest-ed from the work that He had done,
All with the help of Christ His Son.


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