There’s a city of gold in that
land far away,
With its streets and its buildings so rare;
With its glories untold, in its bright, golden
Oh, what will it be to be there?
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
While eternity prolong;
All the saints in heaven’s kingdom
Singing one celestial song.
In the city of love, in that land far above,
Where the saints, all immortal and fair,
Are uniting their voices in anthems of love,
Oh, what will it be to be there?
In that city above there’s a mansion for me,
Which my Savior has gone to prepare;
With the angels in heaven my soul soon shall be,
Oh, what will it be to be there?
Oh, the Lamb is the light of that heavenly
And they need not the sunbeams so fair;
There the darkness and shadows of night never
Oh, what will it be to be there?
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