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A Virgin Pure

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A virgin pure, both meek and mild
In Bethlehem brought forth her Child,
In Bethlehem brought forth her Child;
Our nature first on Him to take,
And then, as Christ, our peace to make,
Our nature first on Him to take,
And then, as Christ, our peace to make.

Consider what the spotless Lamb
Did undergo for sinful man,
Did undergo for sinful man,
Nailed to the cross to pain and die,
While wicked spies stood gazing by!
Nailed to the cross to pain and die,
While wicked spies stood gazing by!

Who can express the joy and love
That God sent down from Heaven above
That God sent down from Heaven above
From Satan’s power redeeming all,
When we were lost by Adam’s fall?
From Satan’s power redeeming all,
When we were lost by Adam’s fall?

Then let us praise the God of Heaven,
Who unto us His Son hath giv’n,
Who unto us His Son hath giv’n,
Hath sent Him down with us to dwell
Our Jesus our Emmanuel,
Hath sent Him down with us to dwell
Our Jesus our Emmanuel.


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