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The upper window

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  1. When God spoke unto Noah, and told him to build the ark,
    The Lord knew well the vessel would cheerless be and dark,
    So God said, build a window, with outlook toward the sky,
    That when it痴 dark and lonesome, you値l see Me standing by.
    • Refrain:
      The storms will come, but fear not, oh, children, I am nigh,
      And through the upper window, you値l see Me standing by.
  2. It may be that affliction will rack and rend your frame,
    Until your mortal body is seared with fevered flame,
    But do not be discouraged, just lift your tear-dimmed eye,
    And through the upper window, you値l see Me standing by.
  3. Perhaps you値l suffer losses, like houses, lands, and gold,
    And you will feel you池e homeless, and penniless, and old;
    But sweetest peace and comfort will lift your painful sigh,
    When through the upper window, you値l see Me standing by.
  4. It may be that bereavement will take a loved one dear,
    A soul that brought you gladness, real happiness and cheer;
    But it will cheer your sad heart, when loved ones from you fly,
    When through the upper window, you値l see Me standing by.


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