1. Lord, Thy Church on Earth is
Seeking Thy renewal from above;
Teach us all the art of speaking With the accent of Thy love.
We would heed Thy great commission; "Go ye into every place;
Preach, baptize, fulfill My mission, Serve with love and share My
2. Freedom give to those in bondage, Lift the burdens caused by sin;
Give new hope, new strength and courage, Grant release from fears
Light for darkness, joy for sorrow; Love for hatred, peace for strife.
These and countless blessings follow As the Spirit gives new life.
3. In the streets of every city Where the bruised and lonely dwell,
We shall show the Savior's pity, We shall of His mercy tell.
In all lands and with all races We shall serve and seek to bring
All the world to render praises, Christ, to Thee, Redeemer, King.