- Lord, give me a vision, oh, help me
to see
The needs all around me; souls dying for Thee;
Oh, make me a blessing, as onward I go,
By telling the story, that others may know.
- Lord, give me a vision of fields that are white,
Souls that we must gather ere cometh the night;
Dark shadows are gath’ring, and some will be lost,
Some neighbor or brother—how awful the cost.
- Lord, give me a vision, lest I empty stand
There at the great judgment, no sheaves in my hand,
No labor of love then to offer my King,
With nothing but leaves then the Master to bring.
- Lord, give me a vision, oh, help me to see
Some neighbor today, Lord, and bring him to Thee,
That on that glad morning, some soul there may say,
“The prayers of God’s children have shown me the