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Jesus Our Savior and our God

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1. Jesus, Our Savior and Our God
Arrayed in majesty and blood;
Thou art our life; our souls in thee
Posses a full felicity.

2. All our immortal hopes are laid
In thee, our Surety and our Head;
Thy cross, thy cradle, and thy throne,
Are big with glories yet unknown.

3. Let atheists scoff and Jews blaspheme
Th'eternal life and Jesus' name;
A word of thy almighty breath
Dooms the rebellious world to death.

4. But let my soul forever lie
Beneath the blessings of thine eye;
'Tis heav'n on earth, 'tus heav'n above.
To see thy face and taste thy love.


T Lyrics - hymnlyrics.org

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