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God of Nature and of Grace

The God of nature and of grace
In all His works appears;
His goodness through the earth we trace,
His grandeur in the spheres.

Behold this fair and fertile globe,
By Him in wisdom planned:
’Twas He Who girded, like a robe,
The ocean round the land.

Lift to the firmament your eye;
Thither His path pursue;
His glory, boundless in the sky,
O’erwhelms the wondering view.

He bows the heavens—the mountains stand
A highway for their God;
He walks amidst the desert land;
’Tis Eden where He trod.

The forests in His strength rejoice;
Hark! on the evening breeze,
As once of old, the Lord God’s voice
Is heard among the trees.

In every stream His bounty flows,
Diffusing joy and wealth;
In every breeze His Spirit blows,
The breath of life and health.

His blessings fall in plenteous showers
Upon the lap of earth,
That teems with foliage, fruits and flowers,
And rings with infant mirth.

If God hath made this world so fair,
Where sin and death abound,
How beautiful, beyond compare,
Will Paradise be found!


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