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Fish in wave, bird on wing

The fish in wave, the bird on wing,
God bade the waters bear;
Each for our mortal body’s food
His gracious hands prepare.

But other food, of richer cost,
The immortal spirit needs;
By faith it lives on every word
That from His mouth proceeds.

Faith springing from the blood of Christ,
Has flowed o’er every land;
And sinners through the vanquished world
Bow down to its command.

Its light the joy of Heav’n reveals
To hearts made pure within;
And bids them seek by worthy deeds
Eternal crowns to win.

By faith the saints of old were strong
The lion’s wrath to tame;
By faith they spurned the tyrant’s threats,
And scorned the raging flame.

Lord, grant that we the path may tread
Whereon its light doth shine;
And gather, as we onward go,
The fruits of love divine.

O praise the Father; praise the Son,
On Whose most precious blood
Rests all our faith; and praise to Him
Who with Them both is God.


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